Maximize Savings with Parkair: Benefit from Tax Incentives and Deductions.
Currently, customers can take advantage of the 65% Ecobonus for the energy requalification of properties, both residential and of businesses and companies with specific characteristics.
The deduction with the 50% Ecobonus is foreseen in the event that energy saving results are achieved during building renovation interventions.
This bonus allows a tax deduction of 50% or 65% for energy requalification interventions such as the replacement of air conditioning systems, the installation of high-efficiency fixtures and photovoltaic panels. It is aimed at both private individuals and condominiums.
Parkair Srl assumes no responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies in the content of this brochure and reserves the right to make any changes to its products deemed appropriate for any technical or commercial need at any time and without notice.
The 50% Ecobonus is a tax relief for the energy requalification of properties and also concerns the relative appurtenances, regardless of whether they are registered together or separately.
It allows you to deduct 50% of the expenses incurred for building renovation work, including extraordinary maintenance, restorations and conservative renovations. It includes interventions to improve the energy efficiency and safety of the property.
It cannot be combined with other deductions. Therefore, if the intervention can obtain both the incentives for energy requalification and for building renovations, the taxpayer must decide which benefit he intends to use.
The Thermal Account encourages energy efficiency and the use of renewable sources.
You can recover up to 65% of the costs for interventions such as the installation of heat pumps, solar thermal and biomass boilers.
Parkair Srl assumes no responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies in the content of this brochure and reserves the right to make any changes to its products deemed appropriate for any technical or commercial need at any time and without notice.
It offers a 50%-65% deduction for the purchase or replacement of low-energy impact air conditioners. This incentive can be used both in combination with the Renovation Bonus and the Ecobonus.
It allows a 50% deduction for the purchase of high energy class furniture and appliances, if the property is being renovated.
It is applicable to refrigerators, washing machines, ovens and other high-efficiency household appliances.
Parkair Srl assumes no responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies in the content of this brochure and reserves the right to make any changes to its products deemed appropriate for any technical or commercial need at any time and without notice.
In 2024, the Superbonus offers a deduction of 70% to 85% for energy requalification and seismic improvement interventions on condominiums and multi-family buildings.
The rate depends on the type of intervention and the reduction of energy or seismic risk.
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Copyright © 2024 - Parkair Srl - P.IVA / C.F. / N. Iscr. Al Reg. Imprese IT03755100967 | REA MI-1700813 | Cap.Soc. 10.400 € Sede Legale Via Paolo Sarpi 21 Milano 20154